Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The Black Greeks

African people are the original people of the planet. They are the creators of all the greatest civililations of the world, including Greece. The "Minoans", migrants from North Africa, were one of the first inhabitants of the Greek island "Crete". They were known for their great fishing skills and were referred to as "Sea Men" They were peaceful people and it is said that they lived a harmonous way of life.

 Minoan fleet freeze from Akrotiri fragment where you can clearly see the people depicted in these images are shaded in different shades of brown.

"Camp Stool Fresco" Pristesses talking. 

Egypt had a major influence on their civilization, and they adopted many different aspects of Egyptian culture such as their heiroglyphic written language.

Memnon an Ethiopian king who fought in the Trojan Wars according to Greek mythology. He was also King of Troy.

Another statue of Memnon

Black Youth Greece 100 B.C.

Their noses and genitalia have been removed which is seen over and over again with African statues but their thick hair and locks are in tact.

Greek art depicting black women in positions of power


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